Read three articals and answer the questions
Finding Quotes within Texts
For every article listed, please read, then write a brief summary that states the main argument presented in the article. Then identify three quotes that represent the article's argument and write them down.
"Plan B: Skip College" Jacques Steinberg
Argument: Steinberg presents evidence that although college can be beneficial, it may not be the best option for many high school graduates.
Quote 1: For many of those starting college, "80% will probably never get a bachelor's degree or even a two-year associate's degree."
Quote 2: "College degrees are simply not necessary for many jobs."
Quote 3: "Some college . . . contributes to aesthetic appreciation, better health and better voting behavior."
"What's Wrong with Vocational School?" Charles Murray
"One ‘Real Education' - II" Robert T. Perry
"The Privileges of the Parents" Margaret A. Miller
"Rethinking College as Student-Loan Burdens Rise" by Heesun Wee.