
Whats the relevant history around the topic being discussed

Description of Assignment:

The best and most consistent discourse the on internet, and about the internet, is on the publishing platform Medium. Each student will submit an article that they would like to write a response to. Once approved, the assignment is to write a two-page, single-spaced paper and prepare 3-minute presentation of your analysis prepared in "TED style".

Page one: Write your summary of the article. Here are some examples of the sorts of questions that you might want to address in your paper.

Do NOT list questions in the paper. What are the key points that the author is making?

What's the relevant history around the topic being discussed?

What is prompting the author to write the article? (i.e. is there a current event that is raising discussion on the topic?)

Page two: Write your response to the article. Here are some examples of the sorts of questions that you might want to address in your paper. Do NOT list questions in the paper.

Is the author's logic sound? (This doesn't mean that you have to agree) What does the author get wrong about the key points of the issue? If you disagree, what are the alternative arguments?

If you agree, what additional points can you add that further make the case for the argument?

IMPORTANT The article needs to be at least an "8 minute read" or longer.

You can submit your choice here: https://goo.gl/forms/5YDnfES6YP (Links to an external site.)

Grading Criteria (What constitutes a good assignment?):

In addition to proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, a good assignment will demonstrate an understanding of the article's thesis and will express a cogent response, either in support or dissent of the author's claim.

An excellent assignment will also display a strong command of the the subject matter, nuances about the author's positioning of the article, and a taut response that would be worthy of sitting alongside the author's original piece.

Attachment:- Medium reflection article.pdf

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Dissertation: Whats the relevant history around the topic being discussed
Reference No:- TGS01376052

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