
What''s the difference between hemophilia a and hemophilia b


Answer the following questions.

A. What is the etiology of sickle cell disease?

B. What is the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease that causes it to damage body organs/tissues?

C. What are some triggers or risk factors that cause the cells to sickle in sickle cell patients?

D. (i) What is the life span (in days) of normal red blood cells? (ii) How is the life span (in days) of red blood cells in a sickle cell patient different?

E. Why do infants born with sickle cell disease usually have no symptoms of sickle cell disease until an average of 6 months?

F. If you have a patient experiencing a sickling crisis, what are some priority nursing interventions?

G. What is the etiology of acquired aplastic anemia?

H. List common symptoms that could be observed in a patient with aplastic anemia due to bone marrow failure? (think of the 3 types of blood cells that are not being produced sufficiently..)

I. Why would an aplastic anemia patient be treated with immunosuppressive drugs?

J. What's the difference between Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B?

K. With hemophilia, why are symptoms of the disease in an infant not usually noted until after 6 months of age?

L. What is the etiology of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)?

M. Why would a splenectomy be considered as a possible treatment for chronic ITP?

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Reference No:- TGS03263660

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