

Please provide your answers to the following questions on the Quiz 1 answer sheet provided in Course Content Week 4:

1. Using figure 2.6, provide the code for gastroscopy with biopsy using ICD-10-PCS.

2. In ICD-10-CM, what is classified in the obstetric codes?
a. Whether or not the patient has delivered
b. The outcome of delivery
c. The trimester the patient is in
d. The number of deliveries the patient has had in the past

3. What extension would be used in ICD-10-CM for the following scenario? The patient had a dislocation three weeks ago on the left shoulder. He is being seen in the outpatient department for physical therapy.

a. A
b. D
c. S
d. G

4. Which is not a reason for needing a clinical modification to ICD-10 in the United States?

a. To remove codes used for mortality coding
b. To develop improved alphabetic index
c. To reduce the codes for ambulatory and managed care encounters
d. To include new concepts

5. Which of the following is a Category III code?
a. T0014
b. 4006F
c. 27830
d. 0093T

6. Which of the following E/M components would include an inventory of body systems?
a. Nature of presenting problem
b. History
c. Examination
d. Medical decision making

7. What is the complete description for the code 54535? 54530 Orchiectomy, radical, for tumor; inguinal approach 54535 with abdominal exploration

a. Orchiectomy, radical, for tumor; inguinal approach, with abdominal
b. Orchiectomy, radical, with abdominal exploration
c. Orchiectomy, radical, for tumor, with abdominal exploration
d. Orchiectomy, with abdominal exploration

8. True or False. Modifiers are used only for convenience.

9. True or False. HCPCS level II describes products and medical supplies.

10. When a request to add a HCPCS code is sent to the Workgroup, one possible outcome is to?

a. Use an existing code
b. Refer it on to AMA
c. Sent it to CMS for approval
d. None of the above

11. True or false. Since CDT is included in HCPCS level II, CMS has the authority to make CDT code modifications.

12. Which organization is not on the Code Revision Committee?

a. American Academy of Periodontology
b. ADA
c. Delta Dental Plans Association
d. CMS

13. In which of the following practice settings is the Code recognized as the standard dental procedural code reference for dentists?

a. Academic
b. Clinical
c. Administrative
d. All of the above

14. Which of the clinicians would use DSM to assist with establishing a psychiatric diagnosis?

a. Clinical social workers
b. Clinical psychologists
c. Practicing psychiatrists
d. All of the above

15. Which part of the DSM-IV classification increases diagnostic reliability?
a. Differential diagnosis
b. Diagnostic criteria
c. Diagnostic features
d. Diagnostic classes

16. Why does ICD-9-CM need to be replaced?

a. It contains outdate terminology
b. There is no room to expand
c. The codes do not provide sufficient clinical detail
d. All of the above

17. True or False. It is appropriate to report separately a procedure that is not an integral part of another procedure.

18. True or False. HCPCS level II codes were named as one of the standardized code sets under HIPAA.

19. What organization holds all property rights, title, and interest in CDT?
a. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
b. American Dental Association (ADA)
c. America's Health Insurance Plans
d. Blue Cross/Blue Shield Association

20. True or False. The ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes in corporate into DSM-IV are not recognized as an official code set under the Administration Simplification provision of HIPAA.

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