
What your source reveals about your teams topic


Visit the Digital Public Library of America collection of primary sources on the transatlantic slave trade and review the collection of 15 primary sources. Select one of the 15 primary sources to analyze a write a paragraph. Write a paragraph (about 125-175 words) that answers this question: What does your primary source reveal about transatlantic slave trade? Your paragraph is an analysis of your primary source. Therefore your paragraph should include "SOAP" analysis that explains the speaker or author of the source (S), the occasion when the source was created (O), the original audience (A), and the purpose of the speaker or author (P). Format: Your paragraphs (about 125-175 words) must be typed and double-spaced. Start with a topic sentence. A good Topic Sentence will start your paragraph by providing a clear answer to the question: What your source reveals about your team's topic. Your paragraph should have at least Two specific short quotations or descriptions from the primary source Tips: "My source is X and it reveals Y." X = a brief description of your primary source Y = what your source reveals about your team's topic Sample Topic Sentence: "My source is a 1935 Los Angeles Times article, and it reveals how the LA Country Board of Welfare tried to make deportations seem orderly and voluntary." Sample Topic Sentence: "My source is a 1963 speech by Fred Shuttlesworth, and it reveals how civil rights leaders used "outside the system" street protest tactics to attract media coverage."

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History: What your source reveals about your teams topic
Reference No:- TGS03329143

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