
What your back would need for the pain to stop


A. Did you feel the benefits of the foot massage? If so, what did you feel and if it felt amazing, keep it going and share it with others. Try giving yourself a foot massage daily for a week and notice the difference.

B. Have you noticed being thankful and being in the state of gratitude, brings more to your life to be grateful for? You might share at least 3 things you are grateful for.

C. Oh, and when was the last time you thanked your eyes for making you able to see the beauty in the world and inside you., Have you thanked your immune system for keeping you healthy and your liver and your digestive system. Have you thanked your heart?

D. Have you ever asked your body what it would need to be happy and healthy or what your back would need for the pain to stop and what every cell would need from the inside out to continue to function with ease? Give your mind/body the gift of asking and listening to the answers. Please share any requests your body has asked you. As you honor the requests, notice how health can be restored on all levels.

E. Did you find this specific Toltec meditation by Susan Gregg we did in class meaningful and why?

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Reference No:- TGS03296252

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