
What you will do and say to motivate all 19 clinic managers


Real Life Problem -Weight Loss Clinic

Situation: You work for a nationwide Weight Loss Clinic ( WLC ) business that has 1000 clinics across America and 19 of them in Pennsylvania. You have just been promoted to District Manager for Pennsylvania because you were the best WLC Manager. The previous DM was marginal who had 2 bad financial years in a row plus was not a good communicator or motivator and was fired. The PA District has a negative reputation with the corporate folks in Chicago. In your interview with your new boss-VP Eastern Operations, it was made clear, the district is in trouble and you have a year to turn it around. All the data supports that conclusion. The district data that is not good is:

• Enrollment down 18% and therefore revenue down more than 18%.
• Profits well below plan and even worse-expenses were up in a down year of revenue.
• Turnover of staff is over 60%, a constant recruiting headache.
• Client customers length of stay in too many clinics are down over 15%.

With numbers like this, your initial review and assessment of the individual clinics numbers and your limited recollection/evaluation of your fellow WLC Managers is you have a few solid WLC managers, a few average, too many marginal WLC's and a few appear to be awful.

Note: When you were a WLC Manager, your numbers were the best in PA., --you were well respected by the other WLC's for your accomplishments, you were promoted just a few days ago and now you are preparing for your First Quarterly WLC Managers meeting of all 19 Managers. Traditionally all 19 meet 4 times a year face to face-twice in Philly and twice in Pittsburgh. Occasionally there are conference calls with all so as the new DM, you know these people, but not well, maybe a few you are close too. These quarterly meetings are a full first day from 10 am till 6pm. - then all have dinner together, then have a half day the next day before returning to their cities and towns.

Assignment: Think of all your answers from a Culture standpoint. You want a new culture to emerge within these 19 WLC Managers.

1) We have talked in class about Values. Assuming you say you value -Integrity---do you still tell them the District is in trouble? Yes or No? Also do you think they know the District is in trouble? Yes or No ?

2) Give me a list of specific questions related to the data above you want to ask them in this meeting? Just give me the 4 most important questions you would ask?

3) Tell me what specific actions you will take to identify the specific issues at each of the 19 clinics? Just a bullet list of actions you will take ?

4) From a culture standpoint what type of Culture message do you want to resonant with these 19 WLC Managers? Just a one line statement.

5) Tell me your thoughts on what you will do and say to Motivate all 19 Clinic Managers? Again a bullet list of your thoughts.

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HR Management: What you will do and say to motivate all 19 clinic managers
Reference No:- TGS01833731

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