List what you think are the five top issues for Indigenous communities in Canada today that SHOULD be top priority for coverage. Now, take a look at the National Post's coverage of Indigenous Issues.
And compare it to the CBC's
Look at what is covered on the two sites, what photos are included, the language used in the headlines, and the flow of what is presented. From an agenda setting point of view answer the following questions about Indigenous coverage:
Did your list of five topics match what is being talked about on the two sites? Whose was closer to your list? CBC or The National Post?
Compare the first five headlines on the National Post versus that of the CBC's? Which one is most positive? Justify your response based on an example of comparing 5 headlines on each of the sites.
Are there any issues missing that you think should be covered that do not appear on this page? Justify your response. (consider looking at other sites to do this comparison)