
What you propose to investigate and why your reasons should

Language Issue Essay Assignment -

Case studies - oral presentation and essay

The title of your piece of work should (succinctly) make clear a) what issue you have investigated and in what theoretical context and b) to what data the enquiry has applied. This should be taken up in your introduction, which should also serve to contextualise your topic and introduce the outline of your piece of work. Your presentation/essay should include

  • the rationale for your enquiry:
  • what you propose to investigate and why; your reasons should integrate a section outlining the theoretical context of your case study/making reference to literature and issues discussed during the semester;
  • what specific questions you have addressed in your enquiry, or what hypothesis/ses you have put to the test;
  • a description of the data and methodology used in your enquiry:
  • what data you have used to investigate your questions(s) / test your hypothesis/ses and why;
  • how you have addressed the questions (e.g. if you have done a survey of materials, how was this carried out and how were the data processed/analysed? If you used printed data, what methods did you use to analyse them? );

Make sure you give all relevant/necessary references for your data, e.g. source, date, page number/s, author as appropriate. Think carefully about the way you present your data, e.g. in [numbered and labelled] tables for short text extracts, with line numbering to facilitate reference; in an appendix for longer pieces, also with line numbering or appropriate cross-referencing information. Make sure you supply 'back-translations' in English [literal word-for-word translation keeping to source text word order/sentence structure] for text samples in languages other than English as appropriate, i.e. in addition to non-literal translations you may be analysing (the marker of your essay will be familiar with English, but not necessarily with other languages you may be discussing).

  • a description and critical discussion of your results:
  • what you found out (or did not find out) about your chosen issue, to be discussed in relation to your aims and to the theoretical observations made at the beginning of your presentation;
  • do not forget to consider the limits of your enquiry and to comment on that as appropriate; if you have too much material, focus on particular aspects only and refer briefly to what you have had to leave aside.
  • a conclusion: give a brief summary of your main results and observations, and assess their implications in a wider context, and/or in relation to other studies /work on this or other related issues
  • a reference section: include only items to which you have referred in your text, using appropriate conventions (please refer to the guidelines given in Research Methods and/or to the Dean of Students Office study guides; see under references).

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Dissertation: What you propose to investigate and why your reasons should
Reference No:- TGS02734297

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