
What you plan to do to alter your current marketing plan

External Environmental Analysis


You are the Vice President of Marketing for General Mills. The President would like you to conduct an external environmental analysis of the Canadian cereal category.


The objective of this analysis is to determine the potential positive or negative implications these "uncontrollable" factors might have on your existing marketing plan and to develop appropriate marketing recommendations/action plans.

As a result you will complete an external environmental analysis for all six external environmental sub-variables including;

• Economic,
• Political / legal,
• Social,
• Demographic,
• Competition,
• And Technology.

You must select two of the most relevant variables from each of the 6 major sub-variables list that I have provided as an attachment entitled: External Environmental Implications Document 1b.

Explain for each of the sub-variables you have selected the positive or negative implications the environmental factor could have on the cereal category.

Also provide recommendations (action plans) as to what you plan to do to alter your current marketing plan to address this implication, again based on the variables you selected.

Report Requirements:

• Provide a word processed professional report outlining the impact, rationale, and recommendations for a marketing plan.
• Your report must be five pages in length, single spaced with a font size of 12, including cover and reference pages.
• Your cover page should include the report title, your name, student #, course code, section number, professor name and a copy of the rubric below.
• Your report will be graded out of 100 marks and will represent 15% of your final grade.
• The report must be authored individually by you a MKTG 116 Winter 2015 student to be graded
• Place your finished report into the MKTG 116 assignment drop box before midnight January 27th, 2015.
• Late assignments will NOT be accepted unless extenuating circumstances exist with supporting documentation.

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Marketing Management: What you plan to do to alter your current marketing plan
Reference No:- TGS01780847

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