Assignment task:
For this activity, you will synthesize all that you have learned about the possible existence of life on other planets (or moons!) and develop a prototype of what that life might be, if it exists. To share your thoughts, you will conceive a podcast that covers the discovery of this life. As your final deliverable for this activity, you will record a short 2-3 minute long audio promo teaser for the podcast that covers the following things:
Where does that life live? (Be specific-you may choose an actual celestial body we've studied, or may create your own, but either way, be sure to describe the aspects of the dwelling place that make it amenable to life)
What does it look like?
Is it intelligent?
If you aren't sure what a promo for a podcast is like, do a little bit of research to listen to some examples. In essence, they are kind of like commercials for a podcast that has yet to be released, that introduce the potential audience to the podcast topic and whet their appetite.
A few things to keep in mind when thinking about your prototype:
Let your imagination run wild!
Do your best not to be confined by Hollywood portrayals of aliens and the like!
Something to think about when conceiving your podcast and promo:
Be sure to make your promo engaging in some way. If you plan that your podcast will have a comic spin, make your promo funny! If you think you'd create a podcast that is more mysterious and investigative, make your promo more secretive and enigmatic.
Make sure to mention the title of the podcast, and when the first episode will drop!
As with any recording, make sure to speak slowly and clearly.
To complete this activity, submit the 2-3 minute audio file of your podcast promo that discusses where the prototype lives, what it looks like, and whether it is intelligent. Use your imagination, without leaning on stereotypical depictions of alien life. The podcast promo should mention the title and when the first episode will be released.