
What you know about hospital care

Assignment task: Read the following scenario. Consider what you learned about tools in the Week 2 lesson. Select two tools and, describe how implementing them could assist you/your team with quality improvement from the scenario you are given.


After a series of news stories revealed medical errors and poor quality healthcare at St. Knowhere, the hospital embarked on a quality improvement program to address these issues. This was a targeted intervention aimed at changing processes and the leadership structure to improve patient care in managing pressure ulcers. The hospital admitted patients from a variety of sources, but failed to identify pressure ulcers on admission.

Instead, days later (and sometimes not at all) a pressure injury would be identified leaving the patient with worsening health and the facility in a liable situation.

Using your imagination and what you know about hospital care and pressure issues with skin, discuss how you would go about addressing this problem using a team approach. Select at least two (2) tools you learned about in this module to assist you in improving the problem. Explain why you chose the tools and how you would use them to improve quality of care.

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Other Subject: What you know about hospital care
Reference No:- TGS03368005

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