
What you have learned regarding the experimental method to

This activity gives you the opportunity to apply what you have learned regarding the experimental method to a published article.

Your deliverables will include two things:

o A summary of the assigned article,Technology and Teaching

o An article critique

1. Your article summary should no more than half a page, double spaced. Your summary should be in your own words.

2. Your article critique should include discussion about issues you see that might discredit or draw the research into question. Below are some topics to review, but this list is not comprehensive:

a. Introduction:
i. Is the research problem well stated?
ii. Is the problem significant?
iii. What are the variables to be studied?
iv. Is there adequate and properly cited background information

b. Method
i. Subject characteristics
ii. Representativeness of sample and sample size
iii. Is there adequate explanation regarding the nature of experimentation and variables?
iv. What about any instruments used? Are they justified?
v. Were there proper controls if called for?
vi. What type of study was carried out?
vii. Were confounding variables discussed?

c. Results:
i. Were hypotheses properly tested?
ii. Were tests for differences appropriate?
iii. Is data described properly and results presented clearly?

d. Discussion:
i. Do results relate to original hypothesis?
ii. Were conclusions appropriate given the data?
iii. Were there any variables that weren't discussed?
iv. Were the implications of results and ideas for future research appropriate?

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Dissertation: What you have learned regarding the experimental method to
Reference No:- TGS02175377

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