
What you have learned please organize your thoughts using


This week you will select a topic that interests you and do some reading to learn more about the topic. You will have to identify valid sources of information and synthesize across multiple information sources to inform your thinking about a problem or issue. You may also include conversations with your co-workers and supervisors in your information gathering, but you must read and cite at least two different books, articles, best practices, or issue briefs in your reflection paper.

Assignment Steps:

1. Describe your topic in one or two paragraphs.
Since you work in human resources you may want to learn about best practices for performance reviews or look for examples of model wellness programs. While you may discuss your topic with your co-workers and supervisor, be sure to select a topic where you could benefit from reading research, best practices, or internet-based information. If you need to do some reading for your Program Development & Evaluation project, this is a great time to do that!

2. Describe the questions that you have. What are you trying to learn? Why is it important for you to learn this?

3. Find 2 - 3 sources of information that you will use to learn about your topic. Places to look for information sources include:
o Research articles
o Issue briefs from reputable organizations
o Internet-based information, but only from valid information sources
o Training materials from your supervisor
o Books
You may want to ask your co-workers and supervisor for good sources of information on your topic. In many fields, there are organizations, books, training materials, model programs, or other well-respected information sources that your colleagues can point you toward.

4. Read the information. (steps 3 & 4 are just action items - they are not to be headers/sections in your paper).

5. Write 1-2 additional pages (double spaced) about what you have learned. Please organize your thoughts using an outline before you get started, so that each paragraph has one point. Cite your sources as you use them.

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Dissertation: What you have learned please organize your thoughts using
Reference No:- TGS02717970

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