
What you have learned from the three articles and what do

Report Instructions:

You need to write a report on the topic "Aging and work Motivation"

You must use the following 3 journal articles "make sure to cite and reference APA style":

Article 1) Aging, Adult Development, and WorkMotivation by Ruth Kanfer, Phillip L. Ackerman

Article 2) Ageing and work motivation: a task-level perspective by Stamov-Roßnagel, Christian,Biemann, Torsten

Article 3)Olderworkers' motivationto continueto work: five meanings of age. A conceptual review by Kooij, Dorien, de lange, Annet, Jansen, Paul, Dikkers, Josje

You need to write the topic with 3 broad sections:

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Body "three main points"

First main point: you need to introduce the topic to the audience, like what is it? What is it used for?

Second main point: "what you have learned from the three articles, and what do you mean by that" so basically it is the summary of the three articles "make sure to cite".

Third main point: you have to connect it with the United Arab Emirates, for example: what does this mean to the United Arab Emirates, or what policies do the United Arab Emirates have about it.

Section 3: Conclusion

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HR Management: What you have learned from the three articles and what do
Reference No:- TGS01648952

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