
What you have learned and how it relates to your own

Through readings, discussions, and essays, we have studied various aspects of the Judicial Process.

In this last week reflect back on what you have learned and how it relates to your own objectives for taking this course as well as the objectives of the course itself. In 750 or more words, use this informal paper as a way to solidify your thinking as well as ask any lingering questions.

Topics : (federal, state courts, trial court cases, civil court cases, interest groups, Lawyer, or judges)

Consider the following questions to help guide your reflection:

What, if anything, did you find surprising, particularly challenging, interesting, or useful during the course?

From what you have learned, what connections can you make to your previous learning experiences, and how do you think this course will help you as you move forward in your college and/or professional life?

How do the course outcomes apply to your experience in the course?

What questions do you still need answered?

Any other final thoughts or feedback on the course

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Dissertation: What you have learned and how it relates to your own
Reference No:- TGS02388263

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