What you have learned about the use of labels explain the

Challenging Myths and Stereotypes

Children with special needs have been subjected to numerous stereotypes, assumptions, and generalizations over the years-the label "mentally retarded" being one of these. Review "The Evolving Definition of Mental Retardation/Intellectual Disabilities" from your course textand consider the following:

1. What you have learned about the use of labels

2. The evolving definition of mental retardation/intellectual disabilities

3. The current debate over both the definition and terminology associated with this category of special needs

Based on what you have been learning in the course and the material that you have read, Post the following:

1. Whether you believe the term "mental retardation" should be changed to the term "intellectual disabilities," and why.

2. Any terms, stereotypes, myths, and/or generalizations that you have become aware of thus far in this course, and how your future work as an child development professional can help to dispel harmful misconceptions.

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Other Subject: What you have learned about the use of labels explain the
Reference No:- TGS01033622

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