
What you found using the speci?c method of choice

The purpose of this project is to start learning Matlab using a topic of your choice. This will be everyone's opportunity to go out, get some data from the internet, and do some basic graphical analysis. The most important is to EXPLORE the data, have fun in a topic that you enjoy, and try new things! This could be a sport of your choice, an industry that your group is really into (music, oil, human factors engineering, etc...), or just some boring data set you can ?nd that will do the trick (you can go to many university websites to obtain data.

The primary elements of this project will be to save the data to a text or excel (typically a .csv) ?le, import the data into Matlab, run some rudimentary analysis (averages, standard deviations, etc...), and generate at least 5 di?erent graphical representations of the data. The only requirements for the data is that there must be at least 15 "?elds" (think columns), and over 100 data points (think rows).

A functioning link to the data set must be included with your project write-up, as well as the .m ?les you have generated. Each graph is to have a legend, all axis labels clearly identi?ed, and a title for what the graph represents. For each plot you provide, there should be a write-up (a few paragraphs) telling me why you chose to perform the speci?c analysis, what you found using the speci?c method of choice, and whether or not the result is signi?cant/interesting/etc (and why or why not).

Each graph should attempt to use di?erent colors, line types, etc to demonstrate your understanding of the Matlab commands. This ?rst project will set the tone for the rest of the term, so the more fun you have, and the harder you work, the better (more relaxed) the rest of the course will be. Again, this is intended for you to investigate a topic, or topics that

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Reference No:- TGS0546941

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