What you found in your search related to protecting privacy

Assignment task:

Respond to at least one of your colleagues' posts and explain what you found in your search related to protecting privacy, minimizing harm, and respecting the shared experiences of others. Provide a suggestion for overcoming the ethical challenge your colleague addressed in their post. Use the article you found in your search to support your response. Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing.

Confidentiality is a strict relationship between the qualitative researcher and the interviewee. Challenges of protecting privacy and minimizing harm are related to similar issues of protecting medical records of patients in the medical system. Health insurance Probability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). This act insured privacy rights to patient's medical records in the medical field (Bauman,2013).

Qualitative research must uphold and emphasize not only ethical practices, but ethical writing with respect to privacy. This privacy also includes respecting shared experiences of others, and to make sure data, opinions and experiences are separated from public view (Ravitch & Carl, 2016).

The ethical challenge of qualitative research hinges on the respect for the self-rule of informed consent. Informed consent in qualitative. Research is an ethical requirement for the interviewer to maintain to avoid possible harm. Possible harm to participants in qualitative research, stems from the researcher and participants in the interview process. Strategies for reducing harm are centered on preventing or exposing the release of confidential information to the public during qualitative research (Guillemin and Gillam, 2004).

When developing trustworthiness, and credibility and qualitative research the data being collected needs to be held accountable to a high ethical lateral, to assure its authenticity. Items such as a data breach, and or release of call Tina research, intermittently to the public and compromise credibility as well as trustworthiness in the qualitative research process. Strict guidelines to maintain privacy is a mandate to produce trustworthy and feasibly reliable, qualitative research (Ravitch & Carl, 2016).

Article review:

Kezar, (2014), reports trust associated to research and organizational theory describes strains between faculty and administrators on school campuses. The lack of decentralized trust results in an increased feeling of threats and pressure based on declining relationships within the groups (Kezar, 2014).  The lack of trust, erodes, centralizing decision making and violates shared governance in the tracks of faculty and administrators. Low trust also derails communication, transparency, and the networks that are being developed amongst faculty and administrators on the school campus. If your decisions are made in these networks, and the alienation of members is high. Campuses with less trust have low functioning network formations (Kezar, 2014)

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