
What you did to explain the dnp project process

Problem: Using an organization, add participants to a meeting with the role each person

Why select this organization?

Does the organization have a key person for the organization who oversees students doing DNP projects?

If there is no key person, who represented nursing and/or nursing students at the meeting.

Describe the DNP Project

  • Describe exactly what you did to explain the DNP project process at Walden University.
  • What questions did the participants have and how did you respond?
  • How did you and the organization identify possible gaps in practice or practice changes that might be addressed by the DNP project.
  • Describe the gap or problem and cite two sources that justify the gap or problem in nursing.
  • What approach (clinical practice guideline, staff education, quality improvement initiative) did you discuss to address a practice gap or practice change?
  • What questions did the organization representatives have, and what were your responses?
  • How does the proposed practice change support positive social change, diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Project Team

Key stakeholders and potential team members (e.g. organization leader, project mentor) for a project to address gap in practice or practice change?

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Other Subject: What you did to explain the dnp project process
Reference No:- TGS03292822

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