Start: The process begins with the therapist's communication and education to the nursing staff about the rotation and positioning schedule for patients with pressure ulcers or wounds.
Step 1: Therapists create a rotation and positioning schedule for patients with pressure ulcers or wounds.
Step 2: Therapists communicate this schedule to the nursing staff, educating them on the importance of adhering to it to prevent further breakdowns.
Step 3: Therapists post the directions and time schedule in the patient's room.
5. Decision Point: Is the schedule being followed every 2 hours?
6. If Yes: Go back to Step 3, continue the process.
7. If No: The patient's condition worsens.
This leads to a feedback loop where the therapists need to re-educate the nursing staff about the importance of the schedule and ensure its implementation. If your process is to be the best practice for the community, describe your ideal vision for this process. To help create your vision, ask yourself the following questions: What would your process contribute to the overall performance or effectiveness?