First, review the Peer-Reviewed Research video and the Understanding Information section of the Getting Started with Research Library Guide from the Shapiro Library. Then, select one article from the list of peer-reviewed articles for this worksheet. This article may relate to your final project topic or another topic that interests you.
Title of article:
Citation in APA format:
i. What is the purpose of the article? What was the research trying to accomplish?
ii. What methods were used in the research presented in the article?
iii. Summarize the results of the article in your own words. Based on the results, what was accomplished, and what would you want to see researched as a follow-up?
iv. Select one other feature of the article that you believe would be important if you were using this article in environmental research, and explain why. This could include the theory or background, discussion, or literature review.
v. Cite an additional article that you would use to find more information on the topic. How does this article relate to the research completed in the initial article?