
What would you recommend as an appropriate activation level

Assignment task:

Use the Lesson 7 - Application Activity document for this assignment.

As you read through the scenario, you will answer the questions posed to create an overall plan. You should answer each question with a minimum of a one paragraph response but may take as much space as you need to answer it completely. You should refer back to all of the lessons throughout this term and you may also use the EOC Quick Reference Guide (attached)to assist you in your responses.

For the purpose of this activity, you are a member of the emergency management community within Liberty County. More specifically, you are a senior supervisory level person in the EOC during this incident. In this activity, you will apply what you have learned in this course to choose the appropriate EOC actions to support the initial response by the Incident Command.

1. After reading pages 1-7, you should now determine what Incident Type this is and explain why you have classified it as such.

2. Based on your assessment of Incident Type, what would you recommend as an appropriate activation level for the Liberty County EOC?

3. Continue to read through page 9, As the EOC supervisor, you must direct the actions of the EOC staff. This includes defining what the EOC staff should be focused on. Think about what you know about the incident and the Incident Commander's objectives. Then, based on your knowledge of EOC functions, develop some initial guidance, or objectives, for the EOC staff.

4. Remembering that the EOC is supporting the incident, what important information do you assess the EOC should be seeking for this incident?

5. Continue to read through page 10 of the scenario, The EOC is in partial activation and resource requests are increasing so resource requests will now be handled by the EOC. At this point in the scenario, do you see any actions related to resources that the EOC can take to support the incident?

6. Continue to read through page 13of the scenario, The Liberty County EOC uses an ICS-like EOC model. You are in the position of the EOC director. The EOC is at a partialactivation and you have limited staff. Review the EOC graphic on page 13 and select two other functions that- based on what you know about the incident and the EOC role- you assess should be prioritized to be filled with available staff. Which EOC functions should take priority in staffing at this point? Select two and explain why you have selected them.

7. Read the rest of the scenario through page 14. Based on the scenario update, what are some considerations for deactivating the EOC?

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Reference No:- TGS03429143

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