I. Situation: Your dying aunt gives you $25,000 on her deathbed to give to her cousin, who is an alcoholic that makes very poor life choices and would certainly drink the money away.
i. What would you do with the money if you believe in egoism and why?
ii. What would you do with the money if you believe in utilitarianism and why?
iii. What would you do with the money if you believe in Kant's ethics and why?
iv. What would you do with the money if you believe in Ross's ethics and why?
II. Moral reasoning relies on both parties agreeing on the relevant facts surrounding the conflict before examining the moral principals involved. Many disagreements today stem from not agreeing on the facts. What do you do in this situation? How do you determine if facts are true or false? How do you separate facts from opinions or convince the other party that your facts are correct?