
What would you consider to be a next logical study to create


I. Read this article "Social Dominance Orientation: A Personality Variable Predicting Social and Political Attitudes" by Pratto, Felicia, James Sidanius, Lisa M. Stallworth, and Bertram F. Malle. Pay special attention to the methods used by the researchers. What are the strengths and limitations of the methods used? Also, evaluate their proposed notion (hypothesis) of SDO as a distinct personality characteristic that has practical value (e.g., it can be used to predict important behaviors).

II. Read this article, focusing on the the results and significance. Discuss the significance of this article. Do the results support the authors assertions? Also, propose a logical follow-up study. What would you consider to be a next logical study to create based on the results of the current study.

Article: Van Hiel, A., Duriez, B., & Kossowska, M. (2006). The Presence of Left-Wing Authoritarianism in Western Europe and Its Relationship with Conservative Ideology. Political Psychology, 27(5), 769-793.

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