Compute the all part of given question.
Question- If a measurement M is made with a probable error of ±m, then the probable percent error is ± m/M x 100% and may be designated as ±m'%. Similarly, if another measurement of Nis made with a probable error of ±n, then its probable percent error will be ±n/N x 100% or ±n'%. If result involves the multiplication of M times N, then the probable percent error in the product of M times N, MN, will be±?(m'2+n'2)%. Similarly, if result involves the division of M by N, then the probable percent error in the quotient of M and N, M/N, will also be±?(m'2+n'2)%. If the number of turns in the experiment n1 was equal to 5.00±.01.
Part 1- What would the probable percent error inn1/n2 then be?
Part 2- What would the probable percent error be if the number of turns were 1.00±.01?
Part 3- What fact does this problem emphasize?
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