What would the priority nursing diagnosis be for this patient and the possible nursing interventions regarding his surgical diagnosis?
Patient Age: 89
History of present illness and surgical diagnosis: loop ileostomy reversal
Weight: 72 kg
a) There was no complications post operatively, recovered on the unit
b) -Void: A PVR >200
c) Has not had a BM yet
Previous diagnosis:
a) Benign prostatic hyperplasia
b) Coronary Artery Disease
c) Atrial Fibrillation
d) Aortic Stenosis
e) Hypertension
f) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
g) Appendectomy
h) Kidney Stones
i) Cataracts
j) Hernia
a) Atorvastatin
b) Melatonin
c) Atenolol
d) Furosemide
e) Tinzaparin
f) Acetaminophen
g) Dimenhydrinate
h) Hydromorphone.