Discussion: Surahsign Philosophy
1. In Apology, Socrates thinks that he is ignorant but also wise. Briefly, explain in what sense he is so and also what type of knowledge he seeks. Then, discuss what you think would be the mission or role of philosophy in our society according to Apology.
2. What would the future of human labor be like, considering the rapid progress of artificial intelligence or the automation/computerization that follows from it? Do you agree with Keynes' vision of the future? Why or why not?
Paper 1: Using Plato to Reflect on Technology Today
Topic: In Plato's Myth of the Cave (Republic VII), we see the prisoners at the bottom of the cave entrapped and subject to error, illusion, and dogmatism. After reading our materials on "Technology in the 21st Century," identify three forms, uses, or dangers of using technology about which we are in a situation similar to the prisoners-essentially, blind to the dangers.
Length: Short paper of 2-4 pages.
Format: Very tight, traditional paper using an introduction, body, and conclusion. Guidelines will be found in the Writing Modules of this course in Course Resources.
Suggestion: Be very precise about places, forms of technology, and dates.
Please use 2 sources in addition to the materials in our course.
Paper 2: Textual Analysis
Students will craft a short paper articulating how philosophical texts apply to either technology or globalization.
Topic: Choose a segment from any one of our philosophical texts and show how it applies to either technology or globalization.
Length: 3-5 pages
Format: Place the segment at the top of the first page beneath the title. Follow our guidelines for textual analysis (located in the Writing Modules of this course). Broadly your paper will be divided in two parts. In the first part, you will isolate and explain three themes in a philosophical text; in the second part, you will show how these philosophical tools apply to a very precise aspect of technology or globalization.
Use at least 2 sources beyond our course materials.
Use at least two images-maps, charts, and tables.
Final Project
The third paper is a comprehensive paper/project on the whole course with the following format:
You are invited to speak at a local community center on "Major Issues of the 21st Century." Your task is to choose the most pressing issue or theme that we have encountered in this course and show how a philosophically inclined person would understand and react to this issue. Your presentation will be about 30 minutes and require a 5-6 page carefully written text and a six slide PPT. For this project, you will include a paragraph of "audience analysis, specifying very precisely who, where, and why this speech is being given. You should write the presentation in your own voice in a very warm and spirited fashion, making strong contact with your audience. Your PPT need not be flashy or technically sophisticated, but it should clearly state your major points.
Throughout your presentation you should refer to lessons learned and texts read in Philosophy 336. You should assume that your audience is acquainted with Plato, Aristotle, Descartes and Kant and has a good understanding of the basics of all the issues we have studied this semester. Kindly strive to write in your own voice taking into consideration the needs and interests of your audience. You may assume that your audience has a solid background in philosophy and current affairs; there is no need to define and explain basic issues and themes. Please do not use US dictionary definitions.