
What would tell new argosy doctoral learner to residency


Please respond to the following discussion questions:

Discussion Question 1

1. What were the most important things you learned during residency?

2. What were the most beneficial components for you?

3. What would you tell a new Argosy doctoral learner who wants to know about residency, what to expect from it, and how to prepare for it?

4. After completing residency, what questions do you now have about your doctoral program?

My questions/suggestions are the following:

From the beginning, I would have love to see after your got admitted to attend an informational panel with professors that could give an synopsis of each class. The reason for this is to create connection with other cohorts and to meet professors that are virtual, in person. I attended the DQE clinic my first day of my first class of my doctoral program, and it was exciting and overwhelming at the same time. My question is referring to connections with metro Atlanta and surrounding areas.

To provide context, at Pepperdine, we had connections with companies (for profit and non-profit) through a program call education to business. Companies would have mater students perform SWOT analysis, multiple perspective analysis, and work "pro-bono" to help solves issues and implement plans for either departments or for the organization. Does Argosy have a similar program for doctoral students, and if so what how does it show up? i.e classroom, informational sessions, meet and greets, etc?

Discussion Question 2

As a first-time doctoral student, anxiety accompanies me to every class because I aspire to do my best and I have a perfectionist attitude that challenges me, even more, in my courses. This is my second class, since I have started the doctoral program and upon starting the class and reading the syllabus and reviewing the course layout online I was nervous about how I would perform in class and on the assignments.

Although, I enjoy writing and was anticipating learning a lot about writing, I was still apprehensive in respect to maneuvering the new system and the professor's writing expectations. When I reviewed the course, and read the word 'residency' I was unsure of what that meant concluding feelings of anxiety. However, the weekend of the residency, I learned exactly what that meant and it was very assuring.

Residency, consists of, in class participation, learning the skills necessary for writing on a doctoral level and the essentials to writing an acceptable dissertation. Residency, also eased my anxiety about maneuvering within the campus library. Going over the research component of gathering data and writing annotated bibliographies was one of the highlights of what I have learned adding value to my writing style and personal research library.

For upcoming and aspiring doctoral students, I would tell them to enter into the residency with a positive, fearless, and open mind. Be ready to receive information with an optimistic mindset because the information will develop, strengthen, and provide clarity for future assignments, specifically for your dissertation.

Additionally, I would express excitement and reassurance for the residency hoping that would lessen any personal reservations one might have. Ask questions about concerns and address weaknesses as well as challenges you face. Lastly, I would advise students to be serious and apply all they have because the residency is a stepping stone in their doctoral journey.

In conclusion, attending residency has narrowed my fears associated with writing and gathering research for my dissertation. As a student, I appreciate purposeful information and the information was clear and concise, therefore, I have no further questions.

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