
What would freire say about your experience focus on a rich


Applying Freire's ideas to your own educational experience Essay 2 asks you to analyze one of your own educational experiences using Freire's ideas and language. What would Freire say about your experience? Focus on a rich and illustrative incident from your own educational experience and read it (that is, interpret it) as Freire would. Provide as much detail as you can: things that were said and done, perhaps the exact wording of an assignment, a textbook, or a teacher's comments. And you will need to turn to the language of Freire's argument, to take key phrases and passages and see how they might be used to investigate your case. Do not simply tell the story of you and your teacher. Be sure to analyze the experience. Freire is not writing about individual personalities (an innocent student and a mean teacher, a rude teacher, or a thoughtless teacher) but about the roles we are cast in, whether we choose to be or not, by our culture and its institutions. If you find yourself at a loss, you might start with one of the following as provisional thesis:

· My experience in (insert class name) (supports/challenges/complicates) Paolo Freire's argument about education because...

· Because my (insert class) teacher taught in a (problem posing/banking) style, I... (make a claim about how that class's pedagogy affected your education) Your essay should:

· Revolve around a clear thesis that makes a single arguable claim about your own educational experience · Explain and connect quotations from Freire

· Revolve around a detailed description of a single moment in a single class

· Provide, explain, and connect concrete evidence to support your thesis Nuts and Bolts:

· 4-5 pages (1200-1500 words), 1" margins, 12 pt. readable font, double spaced

· Proofread for sentence and word level clarity and adherence to MLA conventions · Follow MLA conventions for in-text citations (we will go over these in class)

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