Answers should be at least 200-300 words and reflect critical thought. Whenever possible, please try to relate the course content to real-world applications from your work experience. Be sure to cite all sources as well.
1. The importance of counselors knowing what to expect at different stages of family development which there are many more challenges being encountered by families nowadays than when these theories were developed and shared. For example, families are having to deal with increased neighborhood violence, greater access to drugs and gangs by children, and institutionalized racism to name only a few. In what way do you see the job of a counselor changing in response to these additional challenges?
2. Do you believe it is possible to raise children so that these modern-day challenges don't occur? At what stage could parents begin that lesson and in what ways might the lessons stick?
3. In terms of impact over the lifespan, in meeting a client presenting with this type of history, what would be your suspicions regarding, let's say for purposes of this discussion, his or her inability to maintain meaningful relationships in adulthood?
4. Your assessment of components of human development is insightful. You stress the impact of social interaction and relationships on future development across the lifespan -- great observation. I recently read an opinion piece about the impact in later life of allowing babies to cry without soothing them.
The article proposed that children who are left unattended to "cry it out" later in life become adults who demonstrate poor impulse control, outbursts of anger, lack of empathy towards others, and in the worst cases, criminality. In the associations you've outlined, do you see a connection in the suggestion about letting babies cry without comforting them to development over the lifespan and having an impact in adulthood?
5. Your appreciation of the importance of theories is well-founded. Theories are the way in which we are allowed to make sense of the complexities of human nature. The fact that so many different perspectives exist is proof of the diversity of experiences that result in incredibly divergent viewpoints of human nature.
While Freud's psychodynamic theory of development continues to be referenced, many present day theories no long adhere to its tenets because so much focuses on internalized thought processes rather than considering the more holistic viewpoint espoused by modern day theorists, e.g., Sue, Sue, Sue, & Sue (2013) in conceptualizing abnormal behavior proposed a "multimodal model" that encourages an holistic assessment of an individual. Included in assessment is focus on the social dimension, psychological dimension, sociocultural dimension, and biological dimension.
They propose that the resulting "etiological factors" provide an interactive and integrative reciprocal relationship within the dimensions giving consideration to all ways in which humans interact with their environment. You seem to agree with Sue, et al in observing the interrelationship of multiple factors that impact human development. In holding this perspective, what is your viewpoint of the ongoing nature vs. nurture debate?