
What would be your priorities in building your new country

Assignment task:

YouTube Video: President Harry S. Truman reads prepared speech after dropping of atomic bomb on ...HD Stock Footage

YouTube Video: Hiroshima atomic bomb: Survivor recalls horrors - BBC News

Imagine you are the president of a new country that has gained its independence from European colonial rule during the Cold War.  What would be your priorities in building your new country?  Is it realistic to build your new country without foreign assistance from countries like the United States and the Soviet Union?  In return for assistance, would you want your country to be involved in the conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union?  Why or why not?  ? Was the competition for influence in the Third World by the US and the USSR similar to European imperialism?   Why or why not?

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History: What would be your priorities in building your new country
Reference No:- TGS03335908

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