
What would be the role of the arts in your utopia would you

Design Your Own Utopia

A. Scope

1. Would your utopia be a global utopia, a nation-state, or a smaller community?

I would my utopia to be a small community.

B. Goals & Values

1. What would be the fundamental values and goals of your utopia?

2. Would individuals choose their own goals and values, or would their

C. Members/Citizens

1. If your utopia was less than global, what would be the characteristics of its population?

2. What would be the rights of the members of your utopia?

3. What would be the duties of the members?

4. Would there be social stratification (e.g., owners and renters, different roles for males and females) in your utopia? If so, why?

D. Children & Education

1. Would the number of children per parent be limited in your utopia? If so, to how many children?

2. What rights would children have?

3. How would children be educated?

E. Power & Politics

1. What form of social and political organization would your utopia have? Would it be based on political authority, with some giving orders and others obeying them, or would it be based on voluntary cooperation?

2. What would your decision-making process be?

3. How would you deal with abuse of authority by officials or coordinators?

F. Economics, Work, and Leisure

1. How would production and distribution be organized in your utopia?

2. Would your utopia retain the use of money? If not, would there be a means of exchange?

3. Would everyone receive equal compensation for hours worked? Would those who do dangerous or unpleasant work receive extra compensation or work fewer hours than those doing pleasant work?

4. How would people determine what jobs they do?

5. How many hours per day would your utopians work?

6. Would you set aside time for play and creative pursuits?

G. Sex, Sex Roles, & Gender Differences

1. Would men and women live together in your utopia, or do you envision a sexually separatist utopia? If so, why?

2. Would the nuclear family be retained? If not, what would replace it?

3. Would marriage be retained?

H. Religion

1. Would your utopia have a single religion? If so, what would it be? Why?

2. Would your utopia have no religion? Why?

I. The Arts & Media

1. What would be the role of the arts in your utopia?

2. Would you distinguish between "mere entertainment" and "serious art"? Who would make the distinction?

3. Would there be any censorship of the media? If so, what would be censored? Why?

J. Anti-social Behavior and Conflict Resolution

1. How would your utopia deal with those who harm others?

a)Force them to undergo psychiatric treatment?

b)Shun them?

c)Banish them?

d)Imprison them?

e) Kill them?

2. Would punishment be meted out by victims, their families, and friends?

3. How would it deal with conflicts between individuals?

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History: What would be the role of the arts in your utopia would you
Reference No:- TGS01000622

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