
What would be the right criteria for the diagnosis of john


Case Study- Bipolar vs. Depression vs. Substance Abuse

John who is 23 years old was arrested for possesion of drugs and stealing a car. He was living alone and currently not employed. About 2 years ago he droped out of college and the 2 year of college he attempted suicide and was taking medications for his depression. He recently stopped taking the medications because he thought he was feeling better and he no longer need it them. After stoping his medication he lost contact with his family and during the interview with the police he seemed distracted, he spoke fast and his words made no sense.

He kept fidgiting his chair and his leg was swinging. he keeped saying that he fealt good and was not tired, he also said to the police that he was gonna take the car to go to a secret meeting which would help him with revealing the secret of his life and that the owner of the car would not mind it because he was the best driver ever. John mentioned that he had not been sleeping and he was smoking mariyuana because it made his irritability go away. He does not seem to be depressed but instead he seems very energetic and he is not worried about the criminal charges.

What would be the right criteria for the diagnosis of John?

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Other Subject: What would be the right criteria for the diagnosis of john
Reference No:- TGS01884121

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