
What would be the nkb and skb

Case study:

Ram, age 26, is independent and lives alone in an apartment on the 15th floor.  He is planning to go backpacking in Europe this summer.  Ram has been working for a bank for the past two years and most of his day is spent sitting at his desk working at a computer.  Once a week in the evening, Ram tries to play baseball in the summer and hockey in the winter.   He feels that "he is losing some of his endurance because of lack of exercise". He tells you that he "used to be skating 20 minutes at a time" but now, he "feels tired after 5 minutes of skating."   Ram has bought a new car, and drives to work, parking in the underground area of the bank, beside the elevators. When you see Ram, you note that he walks briskly about 70 steps per minute, moving his arms in opposition to his legs.   There are no joint deformities, and he stands with his chin jutting out, neck flexed, and shoulders forward.  His toes are pointed forward.  

Assignment submission must include:

  • Identification of significant data from the case study
  • Data analysis includes a variety of focused cues, cue clusters, patterns, norms, and inferences relating to a primary health problem
  • Data analysis includes Identification of one data gap with rationale for how or why that missing information would be relevant to the case study
  • Comprehensive analysis of the focused case study data using references for support
  • Identification of a priority Need with rationale
  • One priority (1) Nursing Diagnosis that reflects the data analysis
  • One (1) Expected Outcome which reflects the priority Nursing Diagnosis
  • Three (3) Nursing Interventions for the Expected Outcome
  • Rationale for the interventions using references for support

What would be the Nkb and Skb?

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Reference No:- TGS03322238

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