
What would be the measurement of scales


What is the impact of college student motivation on academic achievement? and hypothesis which is there is a relationship between motivation and academic achievement), you will now define the population and choose your sampling method in order to collect data about your variables, using the operational variable definitions and measurement scales

Academic achievement can be operationally defined as the results or grades achieved of the students' quality of work. Motivation can be operationally defined as the amount of effort put forth into their studies.

What would be the measurement of scales?

Explain your sampling method (probability or nonprobability, plus specific method for the type you selected) For example, simple random sampling, systematic, stratified random, Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling,Cluster Sampling,Convenience Sampling,Quota Sampling)

Describe how you would select participants for your study (where you would find them and how)

Describe your sample size and why the size would be appropriate for your study

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