Workshop on Fluid Machinery
1. A horizontally mounted centrifugal pump has a discharge of approximately 490 litres per second. What would be the expected diameter of the outlet?
2. Using the Darcy-Weisbach formula for headloss in a pipeline show how the fittings in a pipe-work can be expressed as an equivalent pipe length?
3. Determine the total system head for the pipe configuration below (Figure 1) when the rate of flow is 20 L/s and the total static head on the pump is 100 m. A pump takes water from a sump and delivers it through 380 m of 100 mm internal diameter pipe. The suction pipe is 100 mm vertical, 1.5m long and includes a hinged disc foot valve and a standard 90 degree flanged elbow. The discharge line includes two standard 90 degree flanged elbows, a flanged swing check valve and an open gate valve. The pipe friction loss is 50 m/1000 m.
Standard 90 degree flanged elbow K = 0.51
Hinged disc foot valve K = 1.28
Standard 90 degree flanged elbow K = 0.51
Flanged swing check valve K= 0.85
Gate valve K = 0.14
Sudden enlargement at exit K = 1.00

4. Carefully draw and label the hydraulic grade line?