
What would be the best advice for er


A. E.R. is a 50-year-old, male patient with asthma. He comes to the pharmacy looking for the pharmacist to help him decide if he should get the fu and pneumonia vaccine. He further reveals that based on what he knows, he has completed all required pediatric vaccines, however, could not provide a written record of previous received. He informs you that he has had a flu shot three years ago but does not recall getting a pneumonia vaccine. What would be the best advice for E.R.?

B. L.A. is a 25-year-old male. He comes to the pharmacy for his annual flu shot. However, upon reviewing the screening questionnaire, you found out that he had a reaction to the flu shot that he got last year. When asked about this, L.A. mentioned that he has suffered difficulty breathing and felt itchy all over a few minutes after he got the flu shot. He said he got the vaccine at his doctor's office, and he was given some medicine (the name of which he could not recall) for his symptoms and he was observed for a couple of minutes to see if his symptoms would worsen. As his pharmacist, what would you tell L.A.?

C. D.U. is a 22-year-old female, with a 3-month-old baby, with concerns about vaccines and the safety of their use in infants. She is particularly concerned about her baby developing autism if given the measles vaccine. She said she came across conflicting articles on the Internet regarding vaccines and autism. Also, she has heard from other moms that their kids got autism after getting the MMR vaccine. As her pharmacist what would you tell her?

D. A 35-year-old, female patient comes to the pharmacy requesting for a flu vaccine. Enumerate the steps that the pharmacist/pharmacy staff should follow from interviewing the patient until administration of the vaccine.

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Other Subject: What would be the best advice for er
Reference No:- TGS03246522

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