
What would be the benefit of hiring more staff

Case Scenario: You are a manager tasked with writing a proposal for expansion of your staff which consists of 4 Legislative Advocates that cover Upstate New York in their perspective regions. 

Description: Legislative advocacy is about making your voice heard and taking action that involves acting on behalf of yourself or others. Legislative advocacy can involve working personally with legislative staff to bombard legislators with phone calls, letters, and tweets about a particular issue. Door-to-door organizing to inform the community about specific issues that affect their daily life. Legislative Campaigns, Statewide fiscal budget campaigns that allocate funding for healthcare things as funding for safety net hospitals and nursing homes.  Medicaid reimbursement, Access to Affordable Care, and Funding for workforce development in healthcare. Tasks like Health policy education, voter education, registration, and community outreach.

Question: What would be the benefit of hiring more staff? Knowing what's happening in public policy and healthcare. What are some of the ways in which hiring additional staff would increase the footprint of the organization as well as make the work more effective?

How can the expansion affect the work the organization does with member organizers from the neighborhoods?

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Reference No:- TGS03383777

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