Q1. Chomsky focuses on social and political economy of mass media--print, radio, and TV. in the documentary, the author examines the propaganda model and its functions in the society. Brie?y explain what is this model and how does it operate? Does this model create institutional and cognitive bias in human relationships / interaction? If so, what would be some of the consequences in a democratic society? You may want to give examples from current events in our society. What did touch you the most and why?
Q2. Linking the Manufacturing Consent with ]. Lewis's perspective on where opinions are coming from, brie?y discuss how public opinions are shaped and become inherent part of the social construction of reality? Use current events in your analysis and give an example. What did touch you the most and why?
Q3. What would be the relationship btw the propaganda model and construction of fear, trust, and pursuit of truth? Please use an example from the current events in your explanation. How does the model place severe restraints on creative thinking? What did touch you the most and why?
Q4. Chomsky currently explained how access to information is not enough, because a 'framework of understanding' is required. Brie?y discuss why and give an example from current events? What did touch you the most and why?
Q5. Please examine ifGlassner's 'Media-e?ect theory' can also be applied to the propaganda model in today's society? The model was proposed in 1988, please make an argument if the model is still fully operating in our culture? You may incorporate events in 2020-22 to answer your question. What did touch you the most and why?