
What would be liz best therapeutic response to dr. esposito

Problem: Dr. Angie Esposito is a provider at Inner City Health Care. It was her dream, even as a child, to become a physician and work in an environment where she could help people and benefit the community as well. Proud of her accomplishments, she is the first woman in her family to attend college, and she got herself through medical school with scholarships and student loans. Dr. Esposito works hard, often pulling double shifts. Liz Corbin, CMA (AAMA), has a similar dream and is working to save money to attend medical school to become a pediatrician. Dr. Esposito does her best to encourage Liz's ambitions and has taken Liz under her wing.

Late one night, Liz assists Dr. Esposito in treating three difficult emergency patients in a row. "That's it," Dr. Esposito says. "We're taking a fifteen-minute break. Ask Dr. Woo if he can cover for a short time." When Liz catches up with Dr. Esposito in the employee lounge, she finds her frustrated and in tears. "These double shifts," she says. "I'm so tired. And the patients just keep coming. I want to help them all," she sighs, and her voice trails off, "I just can't help them all...."

What would be Liz's best therapeutic response to Dr. Esposito?

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Reference No:- TGS03295386

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