Borderline Personaity Disorder
Visit the site, "Lost Among Us" at https://lang.sbsun.com/projects/lostamongus/displayarticle.asp?part=6&article=art02_saida03
and get to know the sad case of Saida Dugally, a real-life woman who suffered from bipolar disorder until her tragic death in 2003. On this web resource you will find videos of her story and the timeline of her decline into mental illness, as well as journalexcerpts and photos from her life.
Saida's story is but one among many. According to the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH), an estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older - about one in four adults - suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. Respond to the following
1. What do you think would be a most difficult psychological disorder with which to cope?
2. What would be effective treatment for this condition? Try to choose a disorder that no one else has chosen (incentive to post early!).
3. If you were dealing with this life problem, what would you need from society?
4. What would you need from those close to you?