Discuss the below:
Converging lens placed near center of optical bench. Light source and object on left side of lens and screen on the other side.
Light source placed as far away from lens as possible (about 39 cm). The screen is moved until image comes into focus on screen.
Length of object is 6 cm, distance is 25 cm (p) from lens. What would be an estimate (numerical) of the image size and image distance q?
These distances are measured from center of lens.
Come up with numerical estimates (i.e. decreasing p in 2 cm increments) for 8 values of p.
Plot 1/p vs. 1/q (what is y =mx +b)- relate 1/q = -1/p + 1/f
Intercept on 1/p axis? Intercept on 1/q axis?
Focal length from graph of 1/q vs. 1/p?