
What would be a clear example of a claim that is not just a

1. Suppose that you are a right-to-lifer in the sense that you believe that the fetus acquires the RTL at the moment of conception. Nevertheless, you also believe that there are circumstances, for example where the mother's life is at stake, where abortion is morally OK. In the example above, you think, the mother's RTL outweighs the fetus' RTL. Some RTLers think that another example of circumstances in which there are outweighing considerations is that of (pregnancy due to) incest. Assuming again that you are a RTLer, what do you think about this case of incest? Discuss in some detail.

2. Moral claims, such as the claim that active euthanasia is always wrong, are just matters of opinion and so they are neither correct nor incorrect. What would be a clear example of a claim that is not just a matter of opinion? What would be a clear example of a claim that is just a matter of opinion? Do moral claims really belong to the latter group of claims? Discuss in some detail.

3. When asked to put reasons for and against a moral claim on our teeter totter, many of you have said "religion." What counts as a religious reason or argument? What is the difference between a religious reason and a reason that is not religious? Does any reason expressed using the word "God" count as a religious reason? Give many examples.

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Dissertation: What would be a clear example of a claim that is not just a
Reference No:- TGS01294225

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