
What would a natural law theorist say

Assignment task: Cases for Critical Reflection.

A concise introduction to ethics by Russ Shafer-Landau.

Problem 1. If psychopathic behaviors are innate qualities in some people, does that make these qualities good or desirable?

What would a natural law theorist say?

Problem 2. If psychopathic behaviors contribute to evolutionary fitness, does that make them morally good? If not, does that pose a challenge to the natural law theory? Why or why not?

Problem 3. Someone could argue that if psychopathy is an innate qual-ity, then psychopaths shouldn't be held responsible for their bad behaviors, because they couldn't help behaving that way. Should psychopaths be held morally responsible for bad actions? Are psychopaths moral agents?

Problem 4. Do you think it is ever morally permissible for a doctor to assist in the death of a patient? Why or why not?

Problem 5. According to natural law theory, is it ever morally permissible for a doctor to assist in the death of a patient? Why or why not?

Problem 6. In some cases, euthanasia causes a patient to die earlier than she otherwise would have. Would a natural law theorist find this to be morally acceptable? Why or why not?

Problem 7. Can the doctrine of double effect justify some cases of eutha-nasia? If so, which ones?

Problem 8. There is widespread disagreement about whether human beings are innately aggressive and violent, and human history has a long track record of nations and peoples going to war with each other. Do you think war and violence are natu-ral? Why or why not?

Problem 9. If violence is natural behavior for human beings, then does that make it moral? Why or why not?

Problem 10. Would a natural law theorist endorse the decision to terror-bomb German cities? Why or why not?

Problem 11. Can the doctrine of double effect justify the decision to terror-bomb German cities? Why or why not?

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