What will the spread of nuclear weapons do to the world? I say ‘spread rather than prolifer¬ation' because so far nuclear weapons have proliferated only vertically as the major nuclear powers have added to their arsenals. Horizontally, they have spread slowly across countries, and the pace is not likely to change much. Short-term candidates for the nuclear club are not very numerous. and they are not likely to rush into the nuclear military busi¬ness. Nuclear weapons will nevertheless spread, with a new member occasionally join¬ing the club. Counting India and Israel, membership grew to seven in the first 35 years of the nuclear age. A doubling of membership in this decade would be surprising. Since rapid changes in international conditions can be unsettling, the slowness of the spread of nuclear weapons is fortunate 2-"Guns and Butter" Please respond to the following: Flexing America's military might around the world is expensive, especially when a war seems to never end, as was the case in Vietnam. A conflict which had its roots in the Republican Eisenhower administration brought down a Democratic President Johnson two administrations later. A big difference between the two (2) was that Johnson also put forward the "Great Society" at the same time, starting new entitlement programs that match or exceed our war debt every year. Explain what differentiates a "just and legitimate" in your opinion war from one that is "unjust and illegitimate." Provide two (2) reasons either for or against a "war tax" that would pay for the cost of a current war as it is being conducted, rather than borrowing to pay for it.