
What will the portfolios in this class document

Assignment Portfolio Assignment:

Can you please pick pictures and help me i I won't be able to go to a class and the professor told me I can use online pictures • What will the portfolios in this class document? For the purpose of this class-- Students will take pictures of themselves working with children ages toddler to 6-years old (at least 2 different age groups): 1) In creating art experiences and; 2) In music and/or movement activities. Why are students creating a portfolio of work samples in this class? Students will document and share information about children's art, music, and movement experiences. This process will provide students with an understanding of children's growth and development in the areas of art, music, and movement. Why is a portfolio an appropriate way for students in this class to document their understanding of children's growth and development in the areas of art, music, and movement? In both online and face-2-face classes, portfolios are an excellent way for students to produce a collect of his or her work and provides the professor of this class with an authentic assessment of students' understanding of a course goal. What is the design requirement of the portfolio? The design of the portfolio collection is a PowerPoint Presentation. It includes the collection of five (5) different types of worksamples which should total no less than 35 slides in the presentation (maximum of 40 slides). What are the five (5) different types of worksamples (20 points per worksample/ total of 100 toward your final grade)? 1. Students will take 4 photos to document what an art center for 4-year olds should look like. PowerPoint slides that accompany each photo should include a narrative that explains the "appropriateness of the materials pictured" and "how" these materials are stored within reach for young children. 2. Students will document the child-directed sequence of a "process art" activity using 6 or so photos. In the PowerPoint Presentation, students will provide a narrative for each photo that explains to viewers what is happening in the photos. Students should include an explanation as to "why and/or how" this activity qualifies as process art. (See textbook for an explanation of process art vs. product art) 3. Students will document the sequence of a tactile art experience using 6 or so photos. In the PowerPoint Presentation, students will provide a narrative for each photo that explains to viewers what is happening in the photos. Students should include an explanation as to "what" areas of growth and development are being witnessed in the photos. 4. Student will document the sequence of a music and/or movement activity with young children using 6 or so photos. In the PowerPoint Presentation, students will provide a narrative for each photo that explains to viewers what is happening in the photos. Students should include an explanation as to "what" skills are being taught and "why" the activity is an example of developmentally appropriate practice. 5. Student will document an activity of his or her choice using 6 or so photos. In the PowerPoint Presentation, students will provide a narrative that specifically addresses concepts from the textbook used in this course. Cite textbook page numbers in the narrative-- for example-- (p. 25).

NOTE: Students will attach his or her PowerPoint Presentations in our Discussion Board for other students to view and provide comments.

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