
What will be the sodium hypochlorite dosage

Problem 1: An operator is about to treat a 1.09MG storage tank with 350# of calcium hypochlorite that is 65% available chlorine by weight.  What will the dosage be in ppm?

Problem 2: A treatment plant is using a sodium hypochlorite solution that contains 11% chlorine by weight.  With a flow rate of 15MGD and a dosage of 6.5ppm what will the sodium hypochlorite dosage be in #/day?

Problem 3: A storage tank is to be disinfected with 50mg/L of chlorine.  If the tank holds 85,000 gallons, how many pounds of 65% strength calcium hypochlorite is needed?

Problem 4: A 54' diameter reservoir that stands 30 feet tall is being treated with sodium hypochlorite that is 15% available chlorine by weight.  The reservoir is two thirds full.  How many pounds of solution is required to produce a 55 mg/L dosage?

Problem 5: One hundred pounds of 65% calcium hypochlorite is being dumped into a storage tank.  The tank is 20 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 25 feet deep.  What will the residual be in ppm?

Problem 6: A rectangular conduit is to be treated with a solution of sodium hypochlorite that is 15% available chlorine by weight.  The conduit is 4 feet deept, 3.5 feet wide, and 6 miles long.  A residual of 45ppm is required.  How many gallons of sodium hypochlorite will be needed?  (Assume that the solution weights 8.34#/gal)

Problem 7: Your treatment plant disinfects its water with a 15% strength sodium hypochlorite solution through a piston meter pump.  The desired residual is 2.5mg/L. The demand is 1.95mg/L.  The flow through the plant is 25CFS.  What is the output of the pump in gallons per hour?  (Assume that the solution weighs 8.34#/gal)

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Biology: What will be the sodium hypochlorite dosage
Reference No:- TGS03233283

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