Sturbucks sells coffee in more than 62 countries, with more than 19,000 stores world wide... and it will open up to 50 coffee shops, starting in 2014 in Colombia, country ranked #4 in the world in coffee production and Starbucks being the main buyer of high quality coffee from Colombia.
Question 1) What kind of strategy is Sturbucks using to enter this competitive market? Giive details on this strategy. Explain which will be involved in the strategy.
Question 2) What will be Sturbucks major competitors in Colombia?
Question 3) What reasons do you think are behind Starbucks to decide to enter such a strong market?
Question 4) Which city do you think will be the selected one to open the 1st of the 50 coffee shopes in Colombia? Why?
Provide thorough explanation of the given question.