The Fog of War: Film Companion Questions
Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Please use your best handwriting.
• What will any military commander who is honest with himself admit?
• If you make one mistake with nuclear weapons what will occur?
• What does McNamara consider his personal rule?
• What is lesson #1?
• What "emotion" does McNamara say Thompson was exhibiting towards Khrushchev?
• What is Lesson #2?
• What does McNamara believe got the United States out of nuclear war?
• What danger exists today?
• What will destroy nations?
• What celestial body did Kennedy's advisors believe the USSR would test nuclear weapons behind?
• What is Lesson #3?
• What is Lesson #4?
• How many Japanese people were burned to death in one night in March 1945?
• What is Lesson #5?
• What is Lesson #6?
• What halted the "pull out" of the United States personnel in Vietnam?
• What is Lesson #7?
• What did President Johnson believe about the North Vietnamese after the August "attacks?"
• What operation was introduced in Vietnam that dropped 2 to 3 times as many bombs as were dropped on Western Europe in all of WWII?
• What did McNamara say was not primarily a military problem?
• What was the prerequisite to winning the hearts and minds of the people of South Vietnam?
• What does President Johnson say America declared war on?
• What did the United States's government not do in Vietnam that it had done in the Cuban Missile Crisis that lead to total misunderstanding?
• What type of war did the Vietnamese perceive they were fighting despite American views that it was just an element of the Cold War?
• What is Lesson #8?
• What is Lesson #9?
• What is Lesson #10?
• Who does McNamara point to as responsible for war?
• What was Lesson #11?
• What is the "fog of war?