
What will any military commander who is honest with himself

The Fog of War: Film Companion Questions


Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Please use your best handwriting.

• What will any military commander who is honest with himself admit?

• If you make one mistake with nuclear weapons what will occur?

• What does McNamara consider his personal rule?

• What is lesson #1?

• What "emotion" does McNamara say Thompson was exhibiting towards Khrushchev?

• What is Lesson #2?

• What does McNamara believe got the United States out of nuclear war?

• What danger exists today?

• What will destroy nations?

• What celestial body did Kennedy's advisors believe the USSR would test nuclear weapons behind?

• What is Lesson #3?

• What is Lesson #4?

• How many Japanese people were burned to death in one night in March 1945?

• What is Lesson #5?

• What is Lesson #6?

• What halted the "pull out" of the United States personnel in Vietnam?

• What is Lesson #7?

• What did President Johnson believe about the North Vietnamese after the August "attacks?"

• What operation was introduced in Vietnam that dropped 2 to 3 times as many bombs as were dropped on Western Europe in all of WWII?

• What did McNamara say was not primarily a military problem?

• What was the prerequisite to winning the hearts and minds of the people of South Vietnam?

• What does President Johnson say America declared war on?

• What did the United States's government not do in Vietnam that it had done in the Cuban Missile Crisis that lead to total misunderstanding?

• What type of war did the Vietnamese perceive they were fighting despite American views that it was just an element of the Cold War?

• What is Lesson #8?

• What is Lesson #9?

• What is Lesson #10?

• Who does McNamara point to as responsible for war?

• What was Lesson #11?

• What is the "fog of war?

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Other Subject: What will any military commander who is honest with himself
Reference No:- TGS01152748

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Anonymous user

5/16/2016 7:39:23 AM

Consider the Fog of War: Film Companion and answer the given questions in complete sentences. Please make use of your best précised work. 1) Illustrate what will any military commander who is honest with himself confess? 2) If you do one error with nuclear weapons what will happen? 3) Illustrate what does McNamara consider his personal rule? 4) Illustrate what ‘emotion’ does McNamara state Thompson was showing towards Khrushchev? 5) Explain what does McNamara believe got the United States out of the nuclear war? 6) Illustrate what celestial body did Kennedy's advisors consider the USSR would test the nuclear weapons behind? 7) Illustrate what President Johnson believed regarding the North Vietnamese after the August ‘attacks’? 8) Illustrate what operation was introduced in the Vietnam which dropped 2 to 3 times as numerous bombs as were dropped on the Western Europe in all of WWII?